How do i read and clear DTC's (Errors) in my Volvo with the CFE Plus or CFE Plus WiFi ?

Assuming the CFE Plus or CFE Plus WiFi is installed and functional.

Put your Volvo into ignition position 2

(if no turn-able key : press and hold the start button without pressing brake or pressing clutch for at least 2 seconds!)

Put the gear into REVERSE.

(for automatic cars; press brake to enable gear switching)


For Reading DTC : press the READ button on the left lever.

(for cars without 'Read' , press OK)

For Clearing DTC : press the RESET button on the left lever.

In both cases; the blue high-beam light will be lit on the dashboard while the CFE Plus / CFE Plus WiFi is performing its task. Leave gear in reverse / do not start etc until the light is OFF.

Some other lights in the dash might be lit as well.


Once the blue high-beam light is off, you can put gear back into P / Neutral and switch ignition OFF.


To read out the DTC's from the CFE Plus or CFE Plus WiFi, connect the  CFE ECU to the configuration cable and connect it to the PC. Follow steps in the tab "tools".



Additional information for CFE Plus WiFi owners;

With the CFE Plus WiFi you can use a webpage to view the previous read DTC's.

(so there's no need to take the CFE ECU out of your Volvo and connect it to a PC!)

Example page :



Article Details

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Date added:
2019-06-06 11:20:22
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